Overview When was the last time you read a physical manual? Maybe you have had to find a part number, or look up how to fix something? In most cases today, you’re going to search for it online and go to websites to get what you need. Even for these simple things, you would be
Rhadamanthys (Ῥαδάμανθυς) was the son of Zeus and Europa and the king of Crete. He later became one of the judges of the dead within Greek mythology. In the image above, he is depicted in Goethe‘s Ankunft im Elysium (meaning “Arrival in Elysium”) entering the Elysian Fields (Ἠλύσιον πεδίον, Ēlýsion pedíon) (commonly known as the “isles
Throughout the early phases of my career, I managed various EDR products all while wearing the “hat of the day” to address other tasks. The tasks involving EDR would have included deploying agents to endpoints, detection engineering, and addressing problems such as “poor performance” complaints from users. One of the difficulties that I faced was
std::cout << “PE Entry Points are not the same as Main!” << std::endl; Analyzing executables starts with a (what should be) a fairly straightforward process: Identifying the entry point for the program. This is where you can begin to understand the purpose and functionality of the program. In my own analysis, I often struggled to